Course 3D Point Cloud and Modeling (“Nuages de Points et Modélisation 3D” – NPM3D)


NPM3D to be taught in 2025 !...

Registrations are open.

Registrations are possible for MVA and IASD students. For other students or situations, auditors are subject to validation.

To register and access latest information, click here

The course is taking place at Mines Paris - PSL, 60 bd. Saint Michel, Paris 6th - RER Luxembourg.

Language: Courses taught in French, all documents are provided in English. Practical courses documents are in English, questions can be in French or English


This course provides an overview of the concepts and techniques for acquiring, processing, and visualizing 3D point clouds, and their mathematical and algorithmic foundations.

Courses and Practical Work (TP)

SessionDate, hourRoom
1/ 3D perception, sensors and calibration
2 hours of lessons + 2 hours of practical work (course: FG, TP: HB*)
9/01/2025, 14h-18hL108B
2/ Registration
2 hours of lessons + 2 hours of practical work (course: FG, TP: FEX*)
16/01/2025, 14h-18hL109
3/ Local description of curves and surfaces
And presentation of projects
2 hours of lessons + 2 hours of practical work (course: FG, TP: ZY*)
23/01/2025, 14h-18hV107
4/ Point cloud rendering and meshing
2 hours of lessons – without practical work (course: TB)
30/01/2025, 14h-16hV107
5/ Surface reconstruction
2 hours of lessons + 2 hours of practical work (course: JED, TP: JED* & HB)
6/02/2025, 14h-18hL109
End of project allocation7/02/2025
6/ Modeling and segmentation
2 hours of lessons + 2 hours of practical work (course: FG, TP: NS*)
13/02/2025, 14h-18hL109
7/ Deep learning for 3D point clouds
2 hours of lessons + 2 hours of practical work (course: JED, TP: JED* & CG)
20/02/2025, 14h-18hL109
 Research seminar - TBC
Project submission: report and code20/03/2025


Validation is carried out by practical work reports and a project, based on a research article. Each project is organized as follows:

  1. choice of a research article among proposals,
  2. implementation and testing of the algorithm(s) described in the article,
  3. analysis of the algorithm, its results, proposal for variant(s),
  4. submission of a report explaining the method and the results; and the code produced.

Lists of proposed articles: to appear soon.


Cours NuagesPoints3D Presentation10' 2023.01.11

Software and environment for practical work

The practical sessions are carried out by the students on their personal portable computer, which must have Python and CloudCompare software installed.



  • Teachers: François Goulette (FG, Professor in charge), Jean-Emmanuel Deschaud (JED, assistant), and Tamy Boubekeur (TB).
  • Practical work supervisors: Jean Pierre Richa (JPR), Nathan Sanchiz (NS), Louis Soum-Fontez (LSM), Hugo Blanc (HB), Fabio Elnecave-Xavier (FEX), Aubin Tchoi (AT), Calvin Galagain (CG)
  • Contact: francois.goulette(a)
  • Course period: January to March.

Course location: Mines Paris - PSL, 60 bd. Saint Michel, 75006 Paris, RER Luxembourg.


  • Scientific: geometry, linear algebra, probability.
  • Techniques (useful for the project): programming (C, C++, Python).


The course is given as part of the following training courses:

To participate as an external participant, contact us before the start of the course.
